Saturday, July 7, 2012

No Sudden Revelations

First post! Hopefully not my last considering my track record with past blogs. The blog title is inspired by a shop I stopped in when I was visiting my twin sister in London. I just love how simply they put a message that huge. I know Philadelphia isn't New York City exactly, but that's what I like about it best. I'm a graphic designer with this big dream to end up designing for a fashion magazine someday, but for now I'm happy to start off where everything's a little bit smaller, a little less scary, and a lot less lonely.

I'm currently interning at a jewelry shop in Northern Liberties called Concrete Polish. I'm sure I'll end up doing a post about the place soon because it is seriously awesome. I've been designing there for a few weeks now, and it's made it much clearer for me how badly I want to design for the world of fashion. It's a hard world to break into, especially for a broke, size 14-16 girl, and so this blog is my first hearty knock at the door (because everyone in the fashion world loves a blog, right?)

It's weird writing the first post when you're pretty sure no one's going to be reading it except for close friends and those who finally give in after I spam the link enough, but I'm going to continue to act like I'm writing to a huge audience anyway.

Oh, and you should check me on out Social Bliss. I've been spotting photos on there like crazy.

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